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What is Urticaria  ?

Urticaria, also known as hives, is a type of allergic skin reaction that causes red, itchy bumps or welts on the skin. It is usually triggered by an allergen, such as a food, medication, or insect bite. Urticaria can also be caused by physical factors, such as heat, cold, pressure, or exercise.

The symptoms of urticaria typically appear quickly and can last for a few hours to a few days. In some cases, the hives may persist for longer periods of time, or they may come and go over a period of several weeks or months. In severe cases, urticaria can cause difficulty breathing and swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and throat, which can be life-threatening.

Treatment for urticaria typically involves avoiding the substance that is causing the reaction and taking medications, such as antihistamines, to reduce the symptoms. In severe cases, a doctor may prescribe corticosteroids or other medications to help control the reaction.

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