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fungal infection

What is fungal infection  ?

A fungal infection is a type of infection that is caused by a fungus. Fungi are a type of microorganism that can live on the skin, in the nails, and in other parts of the body. Some fungi are harmless, while others can cause infections.

Fungal infections can occur anywhere on the body, but they are most common on the skin, scalp, and nails. Common types of fungal skin infections include athlete's foot, jock itch, and ringworm. Fungal infections of the nails, also known as onychomycosis, can cause the nails to become thick, brittle, and discolored.

Fungal infections can be treated with antifungal medications, which are available in the form of creams, ointments, tablets, and liquids. It is important to follow the instructions for using these medications and to complete the entire course of treatment to ensure that the infection is fully cleared. In some cases, fungal infections may recur or may be difficult to treat, especially if the immune system is compromised.

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